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In this issue of the Journal of Applied Cosmetology, several papers bring new info about many common and less common problems related to cosmetic, aesthetic, and autoimmune skin diseases. The cooperation of the Institute of Rheumatology of Zagreb and the University of Belgrade in Serbia with the Policlinca Oliver Inst publishes the first paper. This paper is based on new approaches to autoimmune diseases, and it shows that a personalised medicine based on the regenerative use of adult stem cells has been successfully created through an algorithm which is described in the manuscript. Interestingly, after 1 month of treatment, it was observed that 78 subjects treated with this intradermal in and combined therapy obtained a result that was considered excellent, both by patients and doctors. This paper represents a new frontier in treating autoimmune-mediated skin disorders, mainly morphea, cutaneous lupus erythematosus and other quite common autoimmune skin diseases. An international team led by Cozzi and co-workers from the Uni of Insubria in Italy has shown how Alexandrite laser combined with Nd:YAG laser represent the most effective and safe treatment for Rendu-Osler’s disease. This type of mixed technology is innovative and seems to represent a milestone in treating this disease. In this issue, the paper authored by Binsirawanich and co-workers is based on the efficacy of insulated-microneedle radiofrequency in keratosis pilaris. This a randomised, double-blind control trial. This technique is innovative and interesting for treating keratosis pilaris, a common disorder that is extremely difficult to treat. This study shows that the treatment is accepted well by the patients, there are no relevant side effects, and the results are of great interest. An international paper by Sadoughifar and other international colleagues from various universities shows the topical treatment with Endolift direct optical energy for non-surgical eyelid ptosis. It is a minimally invasive outpatient laser procedure and is highly innovative and well-accepted by patients. Firstly, I would like to congratulate the authors for their willingness to interact between institutions based in different countries and for the data brought to the international scientific community regarding the safety and effectiveness of this non-surgical treatment procedure for eyelid ptosis, which presents an effective alternative to surgery. An interesting paper dealing with hidradenitis suppurativa has been published in this issue by Medhat and co-workers from various international institutions. This approach to hidradenitis suppurativa is based on the use of interstitial laser treatment with the Endolift procedure using the Eufoton® LASEmaR®1500 1470-nm wavelength. Nowadays, there are systemic approaches for hidradenitis suppurativa, including monoclonal antibodies and biological treatments. Nevertheless, this kind of approach seems highly effective, safe, and, I would say, much less expensive compared to other treatments that could also have potential side effects. So I would recommend reading this paper which deals with a disorder like hidradenitis suppurativa, which is a true challenge for dermatologists and plastic and aesthetic surgeons. In a paper authored by Sitohang and co-workers from various universities, starting from the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, in cooperation with other countries, the main topic is the treatment of acne scars and its topical treatment through Endolift® direct optical energy using 1470-nm wavelength Eufoton® LASEmaR® 1500. This paper demonstrates that the treatment has a permanent result, with no downtimes or side effects. This type of laser sub-incision can change acne scar treatment, especially deep rolling scars.

In this issue, you will find a paper authored by Markabayeva and co-workers regarding the topical treatment of cutaneous ptosis; this treatment consists of the use of 1470-nm wavelength Eufoton® LASEmaR®1500 with a technique which is a novel minimally invasive outpatient laser procedure. It seems that introducing these fibres, which are actually laser treatments under local anaesthesia, is a well-accepted procedure and brings excellent results in a safe frame. Furthermore, the patients seem happy immediately after undergoing a single treatment under local anaesthesia. Therefore, this procedure which brings laser lead by micro-optical fibres of different calibres directly inside the skin, seems very innovative and extremely interesting for the scientific community and the patients. In this paper published by Sadoughifar and colleagues entitled “Topical treatment of acne vulgaris: Endolift® direct optical energy combined with LIGHTSCAN™ fractional laser”, there is a study which evaluated the efficiency of a minimally-invasive outpatient laser procedure which destroys sebaceous glands with the combination of LASEmaR® 1500 and LIGHTSCAN™ - a fractional, nonablative laser treatment. In this case, patients reported a reduction in skin pores in 70% of the cases and a significant improvement in skin quality. There was no downtime and apparently no side effects. Patients with moderate to severe acne underwent only 1 to 3 treatments based on this direct optical energy, reporting satisfactory acne reduction and related skin conditions. In the paper by Sigova and co-workers from various countries, they describe a topical laser treatment with Endolift® procedure using Eufoton® LASEmaR®1500 1470-nm wavelength for progressive lipodystrophy. Actually, lipodystrophies are a large group of rare disorders with different pathophysiology and aetiology. No other proposed treatments to date have had efficient results. According to this study, this treatment seemed to have optimal results in 23 patients, good results in 5 patients, and moderate results in 2 patients. The treatment presently represents the most effective approach for ameliorating progressive lipodystrophy. The paper published by Visentin and Morganti on the history of the supposed skull of Pliny, the Elder and scientist from ancient Rome that appreciated cosmetics, is an extremely interesting paper for the history of cosmetology and gives us information on how different treatments have been discovered in different ages and how doctors have always tried to understand what cosmetology was and how cosmetic ailments could be treated. Pliny the Elder is a famous scientist, and the skull seems to be present in the Museum of the History of Art of the Accademia di Storia delle Arti Sanitarie of Rome, and this paper represents a historical paper of precious information for the scientific community. Morganti published a paper which is, in fact, related to a comment on a book written by an Italian obstetrician/gynaecologist entitled “Le Sorprese e gli arcani della vita prenatale (Surprises and Arcana of prenatal life)”. The title of the paper regards the solved and unsolved mysteries of human life, and it is interesting to know how cells amazingly contribute to the partial repair of deteriorated organs and tissues due to ageing and diseases, according to this algorithm which is well described in this paper.


Torello Lotti MD, FRCP (Edinburgh)

Editor in Chief


Journal of Applied Cosmetology, Vol. 41 iss. 1 (Jan-Jun, 2023)